
Light-sheet microscopy is an imaging approach that offers unique advantages for a diverse range of neuroscience applications. Unlike point-scanning techniques such as confocal and two-photon microscopy, light-sheet microscopes illuminate an entire plane of tissue, while imaging this plane onto a camera. Although early implementations of light sheet were optimized for longitudinal imaging of embryonic development in small specimens, emerging implementations are capable of capturing light-sheet images in freely moving, unconstrained specimens and even the intact in vivo mammalian brain. Meanwhile, the unique photobleaching and signal-to-noise benefits afforded by light-sheet microscopy's parallelized detection deliver the ability to perform volumetric imaging at much higher speeds than can be achieved using point scanning. This review describes the basic principles and evolution of light-sheet microscopy, followed by perspectives on emerging applications and opportunities for both imaging large, cleared, and expanded neural tissues and high-speed, functional imaging in vivo.


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